525 N. Taylor St Green Bay, WI 54303
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The Cup O Joy is a 501C3 non profit organization that exists solely on donations and Volunteers.

Here are a couple of ways to support the Cup O Joy.
1.  SNAIL MAIL a check  to:  CupOJoy   525 N. Taylor St  Green Bay, WI 54303  Mark it Benefit Concert for MATCH

Cup O Joy is an approved Thrivent non profit organization. 
2- If you donate through Thrivent, they will pay all processing fees so that 100% of your donation goes to Cup O Joy!
Go HERE to donate through the Thrivent Portal!
You will receive an online confirmation for your donation from Thrivent and a Big Virtual Hug from Us!.. Please Help!

3 -PAY PAL You can donate here through Pay Pal.  If youve never used PayPal before, its easy and safe.  The first time youll be asked to register for a FREE PayPal account.  But you don't NEED to register!
You can donate by credit card or checking account.  You will be notified of your donation by email.   Just click on the link below and follow the prompts.  You can also set this up as monthly re-occuring .
Pay Pal Donation

4 - MONTHLY DONATION Some people become Monthly Supporters. You can set up an automatic payment as a BILL PAY check from your checking account.

5 - AUTO TRANSFER, We can set this up on our end, pulling the monthly amount from checking or savings accounts
This is the info, we would need to authorize a monthly transfer. Donation Authorize! 
Please contact Jan to let us know you like to become a monthly supporter. jano@cupojoy.com

6- EMPLOYERS MATCH: Many employers want to financially support the same causes that their employees support. They have charitable giving programs through which they match their employees donations. We urge you to ask your Human Resources contact to see if your employer has such a policy and could double or even triple your financial donations to Cup O Joy this year.
*Here's a Listing of Wisconsin Employers Matching Gifts.pdf

TARGET your Gift:
1. BUILDING NEEDS and PROJECTS, such as roof, elecritcal and AC upgrade
2. ENDOWMENT FUND - An Endowment is money set aside for future sustainablity, future costs such as major building projects or future director salaries. Our current fund is held in trust at Nicolet Band, It's a work in progress.   If this is something your intereted in gifting to, designate your donation for the Endowment/
3.SPONSOR A COMMUNITY ROOM.  In the Lower level we have rooms where folks from the area can hold group meetings, A sponsorship supports the Cup's infrastructure and makes the rooms available to many community groupos for meetings.
4. Monthly PLEDGE of Support:  giving on a monthly basis adds stability to CupOJoy's finiancal pictue.

If you have questions about donating.. you can ask jano@cupojoy.com