525 N. Taylor St Green Bay, WI 54303
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Community Wide Ladies Bible Study

Communitywide Women’s Bible Studies
Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:45 PM at the Cup O Joy


*REGISTER by contacting Renée Michels Lubinski
920.241.1227 or revreneeL7@gmail.com

March 12 – April 23 What Happens Next  6-Session Study
Learn what the Bible says about heaven's time-line in a way that will empower you to face the future with confidence and hopeful expectation! The world feels fragile. Every day we hear of wars, famines, natural disasters, and strife. Jesus said that “all these are the beginning of birth pains" (Matthew 24:8) as we move toward the end. At the core of the gospel are life-giving promises for followers of Christ worth exploring! Join us for a wise and reassuring overview of what the Bible has to say on a topic that’s not meant to scare you but rather, to prepare you! "What Happens Next," is dedicated to understanding God's plan for the End Times and how it impacts our lives today. Come explore all the ways you can apply God’s wisdom to everyday life.

*Communitywide Women’s Bible Studies are open to women of all ages and stages of
biblical literacy from various faith communities or no faith yet.
Come explore all the ways you can apply God’s wisdom to everyday life.